nothing like 的用法

The scene is nothing like what you described这里的nothing like 是看做整体,作形容词?还是 nothing 做名词, like 做介词?what you described 的先行词是什么?是什么从句?

“nothing”用法拾零 1.all to nothing一定,百分之百It is all to nothing that they will succeed.他们肯定成功。He has carried his point all to nothing,as the gentlemen say.正如那些先生们所说的,他完全达到了他的目的。 nothing of一点也不像;全非;毫无The man sitting there is nothing of a scholar.坐在那里的那个人完全没有学者风度。Although not a strong boy,there was nothing of the coward about him.这个男孩虽然并不强壮,却一点也不像个胆小鬼。 nothing to对……无所谓;不能和……相比Our difficulty is nothing to theirs.我们的困难同他们的相比算不了什么。She is nothing to me.她引不起我的兴趣。4.come to nothing没有结果;终成泡影;失败The scheme has come to nothing.这项计划已告失败。All his hopes and plans had come to nothing.他的一切希望和计划都成泡影。5.for nothing白白地;徒然;无缘无故地It was not for nothing that he spent three years studying the subject.他花三年时间研究这个课题并非毫无收获。The investigation is not done for nothing.这项调查工作当然不是白做的。6.have nothing on sb.没有抓住某人的把柄;没有胜过或超过某人的地方Even though he is older,John has nothing on Peter in school.虽然约翰年龄较大,但在功课上他并不比彼得强。Mr James was not worried when he was arrested because he was sure they had nothing on him.詹姆斯先生被捕时并不感到忧虑,因为他确信没有什么罪证掌握在他们手中。 nothing flat在极短的时间内The rain swallowed up the tail light in nothing flat.雨在极短的时间内吞没了尾灯。She put away her sandwiches in nothing flat.她在极短的时间内吃完了她的夹心面包。8.nothing but只是;不外乎是Don't worry for my illness;what I need is nothing but a day's rest.不要为我的病担心,我只要休息一天就会好的。It is nothing but the result of despising moral education.这不外乎是轻视道德教育的结果。9.nothing for it but to除了……以外没有别的办法There is nothing for it but to keep her under close watch.没有任何别的办法,只好把她置于严密的监视之下。There is nothing for it but to repair it at once.除了马上修理以外没有别的办法。10.nothing if not很,非常She is nothing if not polite.她客气极了。We are nothing if not up to date in the office.在我们办公室里,一切都是很新式的。11.nothing short of不折不扣的;简直是His conduct was nothing short of madness.他的行为简直是发了狂。The result was nothing short of my expectation.结果正是我所预料的。 say nothing of更不待说;更谈不到In old China there was hardly and machine-building industry,to say nothing ofany aviation industry.旧中国几乎没有什么机器制造业,更不必说航空工业了。13.think nothing of认为……算不了什么;不在乎;瞧不起He thinks nothing of asking me lend him 20 pounds.他认为向我借20英镑算不了什么。I think nothing of this man.我瞧不起这个人。另外与nothing构成惯用法的还有nothing Without(缺了……就毫无用处或办法);go for nothing(白费;没有价值);have nothing to do with(和……无关);have nothing up in one's sleeve(黔驴技穷); nothing like(没有什么比得上……);nothing of the kind(决不是那样;毫无相似);nothing to sing a songabout(不值一提的事情);nothing to write home about(平淡无奇的事情);there is nothing in it.(那完全是假话;那根本没有道理)等。除此之外,英语中与nothing相关的谚语也很多。例如:By doing nothing we learn to do ill.一闲生百邪。Of nothing comes nothing.无中不能生有。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。(愿者不难。)Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.天下无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing seek,nothing find.无所求,则无所获。Nothing succeeds like success.一事成功,事事顺利。Nothing venture,nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
第1个回答  2019-06-08
第2个回答  2013-07-20
like是像的意思nothing 做名词, like 做介词从句的主语是nothing,至于什么从句哥就不晓得了本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-07-20
nothing 做名词, like 做介词