雅思作文关于环境问题是单个或少数国家解决还是通过国际合作 请给出简要理由 最好是英文的。

我少来 没什么分 实在不好意思 请好心人帮忙

第1个回答  2011-02-04
Environment has never been the focus of the general public as well as the elite groups of the society as it is now when an avalanche of catastrophes took place worldwide in recent years. Under such circumstances, the international community has to respond in a cooperative manner under the lead of the UN, especially in the disastrous earthquake of Haiti, a underdeveloped country which obviously cannot stand such a blow all by itself. Thus, when it comes to the question like whether we should collaborate in the challenges of the environment, the answer seems pretty clear if we take those warning signs seriously.

The planet earth is home and the only home to everyone of us regardless of his or her race creed or nationality. In a crisis of environmental destructions, none of us is exempt from the obligation of saving the shelter we live in and the resources our lives depend on. This is pure common sense. What is more evident is that the cooperation between nations actually is the indispensable way of resolving any environmental issue since the environment from the air we breathe to the water we drink in a majority of instances concerns more than one country. Just consider this-how can we explain the Mongolian desert sand in the air of japan? And is it in any way plausible to solve this problem only with the effort of Japan? As the globalization further develops, the integration of the world in every aspect has reached the stage that international cooperation is not merely a friendly gesture but a unfortunate must. In the 21st century even to apprehend a hacker commands international cooperation, let alone such a big deal as the environment.
