英语作文 内容:你市举办机器人大赛,来自育才中学的学生荣获第一名,并将参加全国比赛

英语作文 内容:你市举办机器人大赛,来自育才中学的学生荣获第一名,并将参加全国比赛。此次比赛旨在激发学生们的创造力以及自学能力。比赛中机器人要完成具体任务,然后评委根据任务完成情况评分。假如你是市广播电台英语频道的记者李华,请根据以上内容写一篇80词左右的口头新闻报道

第1个回答  2014-01-16
The Robot Competition had been held in our city and the students from Yu Cai middle school won the prize, as the winners they will attend the National Competition as well. The main purpose of holding this competition is to develop the students' creations and self-learning skills. In the competition all the robots were required to be finish some specific missions, then the judgement committee will give a score which depends on the missions' accomplishment. English Channel of City's Studio Li Hua's Report