
In the _______ of the project not being a success, the manager stands to lose up to $30 million.

A. face

B. time

C. event

D. course

1、If you eat too much,you will get fatter(写出同义句)
The more you eat the fatter you will get.
2、I can see something over there.(改为一般疑问句)
Can you see anything over there?
3、None of our passangers can change this note.(写出同义句)
All of our passangers can‘t change this note.
4、He doesn't like the film.She doesn't like the film,either.(合并句子)
Neither he nor she likes the film.
5、I'm sure there is no one in the garden.(写出同义句)
There is surely no one in the garden.
6、We invited Helen and Jim to have dinner with us.(have dinner with us部分提问)
What do you invite Helen and Jim to do?
7、Everyone is in the garden .(写出反义疑问句)
Everyone is in the garden,isn’t it ?
8、you went nowhere yesterday.(写出反义疑问句)
you went nowhere yesterday,didn‘t you?
9、I couldn't find my pen anyhere.(写出同义句)
I could find my pen nowhere.
10、There is nothing in the box.(写出同义句)
There is not anything in the box.
A:what's that?
A;can you hear something?
A:Behind those trees.
B:sorry i can hear anything.
A:there must be something wrong with your ears.i think there is nothing near us.
B;no,there is something there.
A:Let's go and see if something is coming with us.
B:yes,you are right.There is something over there.
A;what is it?
B:It's a tiger.Be quick! let's run!
第1个回答  2014-06-16
选B 真的追问

