

第1个回答  2024-05-03
1. In Vietnam, a custom called "Picking Green" is practiced during the New Year. People bring a branch home as "green" and "fortune" sound similar in Vietnamese. This tradition symbolizes bringing prosperity into the house.
2. Many Chinese in Malaysia hail from Fujian Province and are influenced by Minnan culture. During the New Year, they purchase pineapples because the Minnan word for pineapple, "wan lai," shares a sound with "prosperity," signifying a thriving new year.
3. Indonesians of Chinese descent follow a "Seven Vegetable Custom." They cook and stir-fry seven types of vegetables, including onions, garlic, chives, celery, and spring vegetables, among others. This practice is believed to bring a smooth and prosperous year ahead.
4. In Singapore, people celebrate the Lunar New Year with a dish called "L live Fish Salad." The dish features fish and vegetables separated on plates, which individuals then lift up with chopsticks, mixing and blending them together. This action symbolizes a dynamic and upwardly mobile new year.
5. Koreans enjoy visiting friends and family during the New Year to play games like dice-throwing and spinning top. Additionally, it is common for Koreans to give practical home items as gifts rather than cash in red envelopes.详情