

第1个回答  2011-06-02
there are many things that i cannot accustomed to for the first time I went to Korea. the eating habits are quite different to China's. I donnot like spicy food, but most food in Korea are hot. the greatest obstacle is the language. After a period of time, I gradually accustomed to the life here. I also made a lot of Korean friends. In college, I joined the communities. The college life naturally became more meaningful.
第2个回答  2011-06-02
When came to South Korea the first time, I'm not accustomed to the country.Considering the eating habits, there are many differents to China. I am not used to eating spicy food, but south Korean food are mostly hot. The biggest obstacle is language. After a period, I have gradually adapted to the life here, and made many friends. After going to college, I joined the school community. College life also becomes interesting .本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-06-02
First came to South Korea, piles of not accustomed to eating habits and China have many different, I am not used to eating spicy food, but south Korean food most are hot. The biggest obstacle or language. After a period of time of life, and gradually adapt to the south's life, and made many Korean friends. After college, joined the club. College life also becomes interesting

第4个回答  2011-06-02
many things i dislike when i came to South Korea at the 1st time. and i founded many differences between China and South Korea at diet part. i dislike eating Chili ,but mostly at Korean's foods are hot。 the biggest obstacle is the language.Through a period of study and adapt that i feel better. i got many native Korean friends . and i joined the University Societies since i go to college . University life also become interesting.

