
个电影迷,最喜欢的影星是李连杰(jet lee);2.mary现在的兴趣是集邮,认为集邮非常有趣,可以从邮票上学到很多知识;3.上周五mary的生日(birthday),朋友送了她许多邮票。

My good friend Mary used to be a film-fan. Her favorite movie star is Jet Lee, because of his great Chinese Kungfu.
Now Mary is interested in collecting stamps. She thinks it is very interesting to collect stamps. And she can also learn a lot of knowledge from stamps.
Last Friday is Mary's birthday, friends all know her hobby.So all the people sent her a lot of stamps as gifts, she was very happy.
第1个回答  2015-11-17
 Mary is good-looking and lovely with a pair of big eyes on her round face.
She has shoulder-length hair. She is generous to her friends. She thinks she
should share everything with friends and help people in need. She has a good
sense of humour. She always tells funny jokes to make her friends happy. Her
friends never feel bored when they are with her. She can keep secrets for her
friends. She is a true friend.