
书面表达 根据提示,用英语写一篇通知。 提示:   一天,友谊宾馆的经理在他的宾馆里发现一只丢失的钱包,内有格林先生的护照和一些钱,他了解到格林先生此时正在机场候机,于是用电话通知机场,并马上派人将钱包送过去。   请你为机场广播员起草一份文稿,口头通知此事并请格林先生别着急,钱包会在飞机起飞之前送到他手里,叫他随即在第三候机厅门口等候。 要求:(1)口头通知要包含所有要点;    (2)词数100左右。

第1个回答  2019-05-12
解析: Ladies and gentlemen   May I have your attention please?   We've just received a phone call from the manager of the Friendship Hotel. He told us that a wallet was found there with Mr Green's passport and some money in it. So he knew it was Mr Green's and decided to send the wallet by car right away. Don't worry Mr Green. In a few minutes we'll meet you at the gate of the No.3 waiting-hall and return the wallet to you before the plane takes off.   Wish all a happy journey.