
这个星期6我校将举行了第2届秋季运动会,可是有一点我还是不太明白 为什么我们的运动会要在双休日举行 本想好好睡一觉 现在还要来的那么早 真是比较痛苦 不过我希望在这次运动会上我们班每个人都能尽最大的努力为班上争光 我相信我们是最棒的!

第1个回答  2006-09-23
This week 6 my schools will hold the 2 autumn sports games, but anything of I still not too understand why our sports games want our an everybody to can offer biggest effort as in day in a 休 holding this to want liking liking to sleep to still want now coming of so early is really comparison pain and sufferings however I hoping at this time sports games the class wins glory me to believe us most stick!
这个星期6我校将举行了第2届秋季运动会,可是有一点我还是不太明白 为什么我们的运动会要在双休日举行 本想好好睡一觉 现在还要来的那么早 真是比较痛苦 不过我希望在这次运动会上我们班每个人都能尽最大的努力为班上争光 我相信我们是最棒的!
第2个回答  2006-09-23
Our school's 2th Autumn sports competition will be held this Saturday.But what I cannot understand is why our sports competition takes place in weekend. I have planed to have a good sleep, but now I should get up and come here early. It's really painful. Otherwise,I hope that everyone in my class will try their best to gain the honour for the class in this competition. I believe we are the best!

tianxiaozhang 的翻译里面,有自己理解的东西。我觉得不太好吧。楼主并没有说他是运动员,不过因为运动会所以要早起而已本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2006-09-23
The Second Fall Sports Competition of my school will be held on Saturday. One thing I don't understand is why it must be held during a weekend. I wanted to have some extra sleep, but now I will end up getting up early since I am an athelete. But, I still wish everyone in my class to do his or her best to bring some medals home. I believe we are the best!

第4个回答  2006-09-23
This week 6 my schools will hold the 2 autumn sports games, but anything of I still not too understand why our sports games want our an everybody to can offer biggest effort as in day in a 休 holding this to want liking liking to sleep to still want now coming of so early is really comparison pain and sufferings however I hoping at this time sports games the class wins glory me to believe us most stick!
第5个回答  2006-09-23
The six-week school will hold its second Autumn Games, but there is one point I do not understand why we are at the Games to be held this weekend like a good sleep now come so early is rather painful but I hope that the Games every class we were able to make the greatest efforts to win glory for the class, I think we are most capable of!