
——欢迎来到《Miss Rose》电影的发布会现场
——时隔多日,观众们期待已久的《Miss Rose》终于要在今天和大家正式见面了


——电影《Miss Rose》,请欣赏!

第1个回答  2014-11-27
-- ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to the "Miss Rose" -- the film's release conference scene -- the first time in many days, the audience the long-awaited "Miss Rose" in today and we meet formally at last.
-- it is, everybody has lost heart excitement.
-- don't worry, take it easy, first of all, let's enjoy a stills
-- standing in the library actor holding the roses, the warmth of the sun out the window as in, give people the feeling of palpitating with excitement eager to do sth.
-- a look that is a warm heart and out of the ordinary love story
-- hey, girl, you talked about love you
-- well, not
-- too bad, before the age of 18 have not talked about the love of life is not complete.
-- you know, I regret it, oh, no, how to pull my body.
-- well, well, back to the topic, continue.
-- due to various reasons, the hero and the heroine xxx xxx can't come to the scene
-- sorry, but fortunately, we have the general director of the film Mr. Li
-- welcome guide Li Li, please guide speech
As in the past -- Li Daozhen is handsome ah
-- believe guide Li elegant hairstyle will cause a new round of unrest
-- so here we introduce the film produced by:
-- and is responsible for the pre translation staff
-- yes, yes, is us, XXX, XXX

-- our foreign teacher is also special thanks to: Amber, thanks to her correct guidance
- well, I believe we are unable to hold oneself back to see this film, so let......
-- and so on, wait a minute, we Is it right? Missed what
-- oh, gosh, there is also a heavyweight forget introduction
-- Jerry letters! Jesus Christ, forgive me, please movie stage manager Jerry - letter to say hello.

The movie "Miss Rose" --, please enjoy!本回答被提问者和网友采纳