

第1个回答  2022-10-22
officially the Kingdom of Nepal
is a landlocked Himalayan country in South Asia
bordered by China (Tibet) to the north and by India to the south
east and west. More than 80% of Nepalese follow Hindui ***
which is higher than the percentage of Indian Hindus
making it the single most Hinduic nation in the world. For a *** all territory
the Nepali landscape is unmonly diverse
ranging from the humid Terai in the south to the lofty Himalayas in the north. Nepal boasts eight of the world's fourteen highest mountains
including Mount Everest on the border with China. Kathmandu is the capital and largest city. The other main cities include Bharatpur
and Mahendranagar. The origin of the name Nepal is uncertain
but the most popular understanding is that it derived from Ne (holy) and pal (cave). After a long and rich history
during which the region splintered and coalesced under a variety of absolute rulers
Nepal became a constitutional monarchy in 1990. However
the monarchy retained many important and ill-defined powers. This arrangement was marked by increasing instability
both in the parliament and
since 1996
in large swathes of the country that have been fought over by Maoist insurgents. The Maoists
alienated from mainstream political parties
went underground and started a guerilla war against both monarchy and mainstream political parties. They have sought to overthrow feudal institutions
including the monarchy
and establish a republic. This has led to the ongoing Nepalese Civil War in which more than 13
000 people have died. On the pretext of quashing the insurgents
who now control about 60% of the country
the king closed down the parliament and sacked the elected prime minister in 2002 and started ruling through prime ministers appointed by him. He then unilaterally declared a state of emergency early in 2005
and assumed all executive powers. Following the Loktantra Andolan
the king agreed to relinquish the sovereign power back to the people and reinstated the dissolved House of Representatives on April 24
2006. Using its newly acquired sovereign authority
on May 19
the newly resumed House of Representatives unanimously passed a motion to curtail the power of the king and declared Nepal a secular state. As of September
a plete rewrite of the country's constitution was still expected to happen in the near future. **More can be found in the website!
参考: en. *** /wiki/Nepal
字数长过4000字不能paste 请到以下link: en. *** /wiki/Nepal#History
参考: Wikipedia