
When Pheidippides left school, he was ready to become a Greek soldier. This was a great honor, and Pheidippides would be proud to serve in the Athenian army.Now the Greeks and Persians were enemies. Many battles had been won or lost by both sides. But in the year 490 BC had news reached Athens. The persians had gathered together an army of 20,000 men. They were coming to Greece in ships; they planned to attack the Greeks on their own land. They wanted to take the whole country of Greece. The Athenian army had only half that size. So they asked the city of Sparta for help. But it was too late. The enemy soldiers were already on the Greek land. Could the country be saved?A famous battle was fought on the plain of Marathon. As the fighting began, the Greeks were on a hill. The Persians were on the plain below them. Soon the Persians knew that their arrows were not strong enough; and they ran back to their ships. They had been fighting on a land they didn’t know much about. The Greeks won the battle. The Athenian soldiers were very happy. They wanted to tell the people of Athens about the battle. Suddenly Pheidippides decided that he must carry the good news to the people in Athens. So he started running towards the city.He seemed to have wings on his teeth. He was running faster than ever before in his life. He never stopped to think about the distance to Athens, which was over 20 miles away from Marathon. His only wish was to tell the Athenians that their country was safe.His wish came true. The brae soldier didn’t stop running until he reached the market place in Athens. With his last breath he shouted, “The battle is over and Greece is safe!” and then fell dead.Pheiddippides had run the longest race. It was the last time for him but he became a Greek hero. Even today, the long distance run in the Olympic Games is called a Marathon race.

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