

第1个回答  2019-07-13
Hello, teachers, my name is Wang Baoquan, 14 years old, studying in 57 Middle School, Grade 2, my personality is cheerful, hobbies are wide, such as drawing, reading, playing basketball, gobang, swimming, etc. In my spare time, I actively participate in social practice activities, solidarity with students, love class groups, respect for teachers, and enjoy it. Help people. In my study, I am strict with myself and not afraid to suffer hardships. Although I am not the best in my class, I am determined to be the best in myself. In my life, I am kind and enthusiastic, sincere and friendly to people, do not lie, do not swear, do not say rude words; in my work, I am down-to-earth, diligent, hard-working and complaining, vigorous and popular; in my study, I am indomitable, tenacious, aggressive, not arrogant and not discouraged. Do what you can and never depend on others本回答被网友采纳