

第1个回答  2024-03-17
In 2005, China boasted 31 world heritage sites, both natural and cultural, which we celebrated with joy and pride. However, few paused to consider the future of these global treasures. China's vast territory, with its diverse climatic conditions, has nurtured a rich and vibrant culture. But such benefits come with downsides, as evident in the case of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. For millennia, our ancestors labored in these vast caverns, etching their knowledge and wisdom onto the walls with brushes, hoping to immortalize their insights. Yet, who could have predicted that these magnificent works would one day face threats from natural forces?
Located in China's northwest, the Mogao Grottoes are a treasure connecting the Eurasian continent along the Silk Road. Despite being plundered a century ago, the grottoes' biggest threat today is the continental climate. The northward pressure from Mongolia brings persistent drought to the Dunhuang region, accompanied by frequent sandstorms. With annual precipitation below 40 millimeters and evaporation exceeding 4,300 millimeters, the grottoes have been repeatedly assaulted by sandstorms. Coupled with long-term drought, earthquakes, and rain erosion, the outer walls of the caves have progressively eroded.
Worse still, the cave murals have begun to fade and flake off. From the 1940s, people began constructing sand barriers on the cliff faces, but these proved ineffective. Subsequent attempts at digging anti-sand dunes were soon filled with sand. In recent years, however, we have found effective methods for controlling the sand. By planting grass and creating shelter belts two kilometers long, we can firmly secure the sand dunes and effectively regulate the regional climate, preventing nearly 80% of sand from entering the grottoes.
In safeguarding our precious world cultural heritage, we have made encouraging progress, but it should not be limited to temporary rescue efforts. The natural hazards that threaten the Mogao Grottoes will undoubtedly persist, necessitating ongoing efforts. Dear friends, let us join hands to protect our splendid ancient civilization. Though we may be young, with firm resolve, we can ensure that these jewels shine forever. Our spirit will be passed from one person to another...详情