
假设你是某国际学校学生会主席李华,学校决定举办秋季运动会,并邀请专业运动员和教练来校进行赛前培训,请根据一下信息提示,写一则英文通知 1运动会于下周六在操场举行2所有同学自备座椅观看比赛3每班选派5名以上运动员及5名啦啦队成员4本周六在校礼堂举行比赛前培训 的英语作文 求解

第1个回答  2014-01-09
Suppose you are an international school student body President li hua, the school decided to hold the autumn sports meeting, and invite professional athletes and coaches to the pre-match training, according to the message, please write a notice in English 1 2 games to be held next Saturday in the playground all students bring their own seat watching more than 3 send five per class athletes and five cheerleading team members hold training before the game 4 on Saturday in the school auditorium本回答被提问者采纳