

第1个回答  2022-07-10
1.善恶分开各两边 都为梦中的明天

Good and evil are separated on both sides for tomorrow in dreams.

2.我并非善类 请别得寸进尺

I'm not a good person, Please don't push ahead.

3.不够心狠手辣 怎配征战沙场坐守江山如画

Not enough heart and cruel hands how to match the battle sand fiel.

4.事不三思终有败 人能百忍则无忧

If you think twice, you will lose, if you can tolerate everything, you will.

5.春风得意时布好局 才能在四面楚歌时有条路

Only when the spring breeze is proud can there be a way out when.

6.少听成功的人讲道理 多听失败的人讲经历

Listen to the successful people less reason and listen to the failure of people about experience.

7.东风唤醒英雄梦 江东片刻不留人

The East Wind wakes up the hero's dream of Jiangdong without lea.

8.总以为清者自清 却忘了人言可畏

Always think that the Qing people from the Qing but forget the awes.

9.有多大能力办多大的事 人不行不能怪路不平

It's no wonder that people have the ability to do what they can.

流年未亡 夏日已尽

