
尽快啊,希望明天就有合适的,谢了。 我在会上用的,不知道是不是稍微少了点,顺便给推荐下这种类型的范文,谢谢,呵呵。 教育背景忘记写了,2005.09到2009.07在天津大学工业工程专业,获得学士学位。对了因为是PPT,每一块最好加个过渡,万分感谢,没有别的话,就给第二位仁兄了。

第1个回答  2010-03-26
I called XXX. I AM BORN1985.06, in shandong jining, hometown of Confucius' hometown, jining is located LiangShanPo, heroes of the marshes, home of five people, and my parents, my brother and sisters. Working experience in shenzhen, 2009.07 to 2010.01 fu Anna household limited company work. Daily work is mainly measuring the standard working hours, part-time workers price, The problem of production line to improve, To simplify the line, line balance rearrangement, increase productivity and efficiency. Hobbies, mainly is reading, film, mountaineering, swimming.
第2个回答  2010-03-26
My name is XXX and I was born in June, 1985. Jining is my hometown, which is located in Shangdong Province and was also the hometown of Confucius. It is located in ‘Liang Shan Po', where the heroes of the marshes originate. There are five people in my family, including my parents, one brother, one sister, and myself。 I worked in Fu Anna Household Co. Ltd, located in Shenzhen, from July 2009 to January 2010. Daily work consisted of measuring fellow employees' work hours, determining appropriate wages; improving production efficiency, rearranging and simplifying the production line to increase productivity and efficiency. My hobbies include reading, watching movies, climbing and swimming.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-03-26
I am xxx, and I was born in June, 1985. My hometown is Jining, Shandong which is also Confucius's. Liang Shan Po, where the heroes of the marshes originate, locates in my hometown. There are five family members who are my parents, brother, sister, and me.

I used to work in Fuanna Household Co. Ltd, which in Shenzhen, from July, 2009 to January 2010.

My hobbies are reading, watching movies, climbing, and swimming.