

第1个回答  2010-03-30
Cherry warm, pure, noble, after the severe winter of its first breath of spring to bring the Japanese people, the Japanese government each year March 15 to April 15 as "Cherry Blossom Festival." In this season of flowers, people bring their relatives, invited the friends, Xiejiu sat on the floor with a meat dish in the cherry tree, side-kun, while a drink is really one of life's great pleasures.

Cherry blossoms in Japan over 1,000 years of history. In the Nara period (710-794 years) when it comes to flowers, means plum blossom, to the Heian Period (794 - 1192), Cherry became the protagonist, Wing cherry song to song than Yongmei spend more than 5 times. And the Japanese have long had Hanami activities. The 7th century, the emperor who unified particularly fond of cherry blossoms, many trips to Nara Yoshino mountain cherry blossoms viewing. In addition, reportedly the first time in Japanese history, cherry blossom is the 9th century Emperor Saga of the General Assembly held under the auspices. At first, kun only become widespread among dignitaries to the Edo period (1603-1867 years) was spread to the civilian population in the form of traditional folk customs.

Sakura's life is very short. In Japan there is a Minyan said: "Sakura 7" is a cherry blossom to wither and fall from the open about 7 days, Zheng Ke from the flowering cherry tree to thank the whole about 16 days to form a cherry while splitting off the features. This feature is what makes it so much the charm of cherry blossoms. Revered as a national flower, not only because of its charming delicate and charming, but more importantly is that it immediately after the experience of the brilliant short withering of "heroic."

"To ask big and soul, Chaoyang beneath the mountains Sakura." The Japanese believe that life is short, live as we should, as a brilliant cherry blossoms, even death, but also the determination to leave. Cherry litter, the non-pollution is not dyed, very simply, title of the Japanese spirit.

In addition, the cherry blossoms also as a friendly envoy of the Japanese people have been in full bloom in many parts of the world. In 1972, Sino-Japanese diplomatic normalization, the Chinese presented a pair of giant pandas in Japan, the Japanese government is far from the light-cho, Hokkaido, elected 1000 cherry seedlings by the then Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka's visit to China presented to China, these cherry blossom seedlings planted in Beijing. Later, almost every year, the Japanese government or private groups or friendly organizations cherry gifts to China. The profit situation is contained and just cherry blossoms, so that between the two peoples more than a friendship, more of a warm