

第1个回答  2023-07-27

The English words for "累" (tired) and "渴" (thirsty) are:

1. Tired: 

- Definition: Feeling a need to rest or sleep due to physical or mental exertion.

- Example sentence: After a long day of work, she felt tired and couldn't wait to go to bed.

- Synonyms: Exhausted, fatigued, weary, drained.

2. Thirsty: 

- Definition: Feeling a strong desire or need for liquid, usually water, due to dehydration.

- Example sentence: After exercising for an hour, he became extremely thirsty and drank a whole bottle of water.

- Synonyms: Dehydrated, parched, dry-mouthed, craving a drink.

Feeling tired is a state of physical or mental fatigue that occurs when the body or mind has been exerted and requires rest or sleep to recover. It can be caused by various factors such as lack of sleep, physical activity, or mental strain. When someone is tired, they may experience decreased energy levels, difficulty concentrating, and a strong desire to rest.

On the other hand, feeling thirsty is a sensation that arises when the body is in need of hydration. It occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to a state of dehydration. Thirst is the body's way of signaling that it needs to replenish the lost fluids. Common causes of thirst include intense physical activity, exposure to high temperatures, or inadequate fluid intake. When someone is thirsty, their mouth may feel dry, and they may have a strong urge to drink water or any other liquid to quench their thirst.

Both tiredness and thirst are natural bodily responses that indicate the need for rest and hydration, respectively. It is important to pay attention to these signals and take appropriate actions, such as resting when tired and drinking fluids when thirsty, to maintain overall well-being.


渴的英文单词是"thirsty",其意思是对液体,通常是水,有强烈的渴望或需求,因为脱水。例如:运动了一个小时后,他变得非常渴,喝了一整瓶水。其同义词有dehydrated、parched、dry-mouthed、craving a drink等。



