
1.the monkey likes eating bananas.
2.they climb mountain.
3.he does his homework.

第1个回答  2013-02-01
1.否定:The monkey doesn't like eating bananas
一般:Does the monkey like eating bananas?
回答:Yes ,it is No,it isn't

2.否定:They don't climb mountain
一般:Do they climb mountain?
回答:Yes ,they do No,they don't

3.否定:He doesn't do his homework
一般:Does he do his homework?
回答:Yes,he does No ,he doesn't

第2个回答  2013-02-01
1The monkey does not like eating bananas
Does the monkey like eating bananas. Yes it does .No,it does not
2They do not climb mountain
Do they climb mountain? Yes they do No they do not
3He does not do his homework
3.Does he do his homework?Yes he does.No he does not
第3个回答  2013-02-01
1.The monkey doesn't like eating bananas Does the monky like eating bananas?Yes,it does.No,it doesn't.
2.They don't cilmb mountain. Do they cilmb mountain?Yes,they do.No they don't.
3.He doesn't do his homework. Does he do his homewoek?Yes,he does.No,he dosen't.