

第1个回答  2008-06-13
物流管理(Logistics Management)是指在社会再生产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应用管理的基本原理和科学方法,对物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合,以降低物流成本,提高物流效率和经济效益。现代物流管理是建立在系统论、信息论和控制论的基础上的。











stream :在化工生产过程中,需要进行化学或物理变化的物料常常以气态或液态参与生产过程,并以管道输送,这样参与过程的原料、中间产物、产品等称为物流。在连续操作过程中不断地加入或排出的固体物料也可称为物流。

The definition of logistics management
Logistics Management (Logistics Management) is in the process of social reproduction, according to the material flow of information entities, the application of the basic principles of management and the scientific method, the logistics activities of planning, organization, command, coordination, control and supervision, so that all Logistics activities to achieve the best possible coordination and cooperation in order to reduce logistics costs and enhance logistics efficiency and economic benefits. Modern logistics management system is built on the theory, information theory, cybernetics and on the basis of.

Logistics Management has four major characteristics of

(1) in order to achieve customer satisfaction as the first target;
(2) to enterprises as a whole for the purpose of optimal;
(3) with information as the center;
(4) more emphasis on efficient results.

The purpose of the implementation of logistics management

The purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price at the right time and suitable sites available to customers.
Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspect of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. Starting from this idea, the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer service purposes.

The development of logistics management experience

The development of logistics management has experienced distribution management, logistics management and supply chain management three levels. Logistics management originated in World War II military transport supplies and equipment developed by the storage and transportation modes and technologies. After the war, these technologies are widely used in industry, and greatly improve the operational efficiency of enterprises, for enterprises to win more customers. At that time, logistics management, aimed at the distribution of the finished product that is produced, how fast and efficient products through distribution centers to serve customers, and as far as possible to maintain a minimum inventory. Logistics Management Association of the United States at that time called the Physical Distribution Management Association and the Canadian supply chain and logistics management is called the Canadian Association of Physical Distribution Management Association. In this initial stage, logistics management is the established number of products produced by, passively to meet the needs of customers, products will be transported to the designated locations, and in the field of transport to achieve the most optimal use of resources, a reasonable set of distribution Center inventory. Rather, this stage of logistics management has not really there, there are only transportation management, warehousing management and inventory management. Logistics manager positions do not exist at that time, there are only the manager or warehouse manager.
Modern sense of logistics management in the 1980s. People find that the use of cross-functional process management approach to observe, analyze and solve business problems in the very effective. By analyzing the material from raw materials shipped to factories and production lines running through each workstation, product output, and then transported to distribution centers, the final delivery to customers throughout the circulation process, enterprises can eliminate a lot of high-efficiency appears to have actually reduced Optimize the overall efficiency of the local acts. Because everyone wants to functional departments as far as possible use of its capacity, left no surplus, once the increased demand, everywhere a bottleneck, resulting in the suspension of the entire process. For instance the Ministry of Transport as a separate functional departments, always trying to reduce their transport costs, but its result will be a need to speed up the delivery of orders rather than shipping by air, although this saved the freight, it lost customers, resulting in The overall loss. Therefore, the traditional vertical management functions no longer suited to modern large-scale industrial production, and horizontal logistics management can be integrated management of each process on the different functions, in order to get the overall optimization of synergies.
At this stage, to expand the scope of logistics management in addition to transport, the demand forecasts, procurement, production planning, inventory management, distribution and customer service, so as to systematic management of the operation of enterprises, to maximize the overall efficiency. Goldratt's The "goal" in a sweep of the global manufacturing industry, its essence is from the perspective of the production process to manage the production. Accordingly, the Physical Distribution Management Association of the United States in the mid-1980s changed its name to the United States Logistics Management Association, Canada and the Physical Distribution Management Association in 1992 changed its name to the Canadian Association of Logistics Management.
A typical manufacturing enterprise, its demand forecasts, purchase of raw materials and transport links are usually called into the logistics and raw materials in the factory processes within the logistics supply chain called the production, distribution and customer service link called out to the logistics. Logistics management is the key systems management from raw materials, finished products to the entire process to ensure that the lowest inventory conditions, the flow of buying materials, imported, processed, shipped out and delivered to the customer. For a highly efficient logistics management companies shareholders, this means that the capital to at least make the most of the business, produce the greatest return on investment.
State Net: If we think of this term is also available in inappropriate places welcome criticism correction.

[] The concept of logistics

One explanation:
Logistics is that in order to meet customer needs, the lowest cost, through the transport, storage, distribution, etc., and raw materials, semi-finished products, finished goods and related information from the origin to the consumption of goods and conducted by the planning, implementation and management of the The entire process.
Logistics form: the transport of goods, distribution, warehousing, packing, loading and unloading handling, circulation processing, logistics and related information, and other areas.
The specific content of logistics activities, including the following areas: customer service and demand forecasts, order processing, distribution, inventory control, transport, storage management, factories and warehouses and the layout of the site, removal handling, procurement, packaging, intelligence and information.

Explanation 2:
China's national standards, "the logistics of terms" that the definition of: logistics is "items from the suppliers to receive and process flow of the entity, according to actual needs, transportation, storage, handling, transport, packaging and distribution processing, distribution, information processing , And other basic functions of the organic integration. "

Three explanations:
The logistics of the "objects" is material information in the world along with material entities can be physical characteristics and the displacement of that part of material information. "Flow" is the physical movement, such movement has its limited meaning, that is, for the reference to the Earth in relation to the earth and the physical movement, known as "displacement." The scope of flow can be rational and large-scale, may also be in the same area, the micro-environment of the same movement, small-scale displacement. "Objects" and "flow" of the combination is a natural movement built on the basis of the senior forms of exercise. Their mutual ties in the economic objective and in-kind between the military and in-kind, and even in certain social objectives and in-kind between the movement to find the laws. Therefore, logistics is not only the qualification of "objects" and "flow" of the portfolio, but more important is that is limited to the military, economic and social conditions under the portfolio, is from the military, economic and social point of view of observation Transport, to achieve some kind of military, economic, social requirements.

4 explained:
stream: in the chemical production process, the need for chemical or physical changes of materials, often in gaseous or liquid involved in the production process, and piped, to participate in this process of raw materials, intermediate products, products known as logistics. In continuous operation in the process of constantly adding or from the solid material can also known as logistics.

