将这一段话翻译成英语: 随着科技的发展,智能手机的使用越来越普及。甚至在图书馆里也有很多人在使用手

将这一段话翻译成英语: 随着科技的发展,智能手机的使用越来越普及。甚至在图书馆里也有很多人在使用手机,一部分人在使用手机上网,玩游戏,另一部分人则会使用手机接听或拨打电话。因此,则不可避免地对图书馆里的人造成影响,导致正在专心看书的人受到打扰而心烦意乱,无法专心看书。 在我看来,我们应该采取一些措施来避免这些影响。首先,在图书馆里的人应该把手机调成静音或震动模式,并尽量不用手机上网。如果接听或拨打电话,应到走廊或卫生间等僻静的地方打电话。这样就能很好的使在图书馆里看书的人不受影响。 谢谢!

第1个回答  2014-03-24
With the development of science and technology, the use of smart phones become more popular.
Even in the library there are a lot of people in the use of mobile phones, some people in the use of mobile Internet, play games, others will use a mobile phone to answer or make a phone call.
Therefore, will inevitably affect the people in the library, and lead to people who are absorbed in a book be disturbed and upset, I can't concentrate on reading.
In my opinion, we should take some measures to avoid these effects.
First of all, should be put in the library mobile phone to mute or vibration mode, and as far as possible need not mobile Internet.
If the answer or make a phone call, we should call the corridor or toilet and quiet place.
So that it can be a very good make reading in the library are not affected.追问






library mobile phone,中式英语的赶脚……
