
假如你是李华你所在的学校的英文报正在有奖征集主题为身边的故事的文章 内容是我有一个邻居 她是一个聋哑女孩,然而她总是面带微笑每当见到我上学,她会向我竖起大拇指 ,然后挥手。一到星期天,她就到我家 ,打开图画书 ,用手指着自己的耳朵,要我给她讲故事 每当这时,我就尽力用身势语让她明白故事的内容 就这么多

第1个回答  2013-01-22
A Dumb but Strong and Sunny Girl
I have a neighbour who is girl named Mary.She is dumb,but she is strong and sunny.Every time I meet her,as is often the case,she is always wearing a smile on her face.Seeing me going to school,she gives me a thumb first,then waves to me.She loves listening to stories very much,so she goes to my home every Sunday and opens a story-book。She points to her ear,asking me to tell stories to her.I nod and begin to tell stories,using the body languages in order to let her undertand what I mean.
