急,英语作文, 假定你是李华,你校园新建了一座图书馆,请阐述新图书馆的优缺点,并提出的的建议。优...

急,英语作文, 假定你是李华,你校园新建了一座图书馆,请阐述新图书馆的优缺点,并提出的的建议。优点:1:图书种类多,2:阅读环境好。缺点:1:借书时间短(一周)2:缺少英语原版书。写一篇英语作文

第1个回答  2013-06-11
I'm Li Hua.There is a new library in my school.It has some advantages.First,there are kinds of book for different.Second,here is good reading environment.But there is some disadvantage.Here book can only be borrowed for one week.And here the lack of English Books.I hope that these problems can be solved.
第2个回答  2013-06-09
I'm Li Hua.There is a new library in my school.It has some advantages.First,there are kinds of book for different.Second,here is good reading environment.But there is some disadvantage.Here book can only be borrowed for one week.And here the lack of English Books.I hope that these problems can be solved.