

第1个回答  2013-07-18
A:good afternoon, everybody. How are you today?B:fine.C:I’m good.D: not bad. Exactly , I’m a little excited, because after this exam, we will have a long holiday,the winter holiday.B: Yes. It is a big holiday in china except summer holiday, and spring festival is coming.D: you are right. A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the new year’s eve ,such as making paper-cuts ,sticking couplets and new year paintings, giving red bags and so on.C: yes, yes. On the eve, most of Chinese ,include those out sea ,love watching the Spring Festival Gala Evening. Do you watch it every year?ABD: of course.A: it nearly becomes to be a tradition. It is so happy that all the family stay together and watch this wonderful perform .B: it’s ture. And I like to watch witty skits and cross talks. Especially the performance of Zhao Benshan and Feng Gong. They are so funny.C: that is right. I think that is why we love the Gala Evening. How do you spend your holiday?D: I think I will stay at home or visit some friends not far from me. It is so cold outside, I don’t want to do anything in this kind weather.C: I agree with you. But this time I decide to have a trip, D: it is a good idea. Where would you like to go?C: I have no idea.D: you should ask A, she/he has been many places.A: ah, I suggest you go harbin in winter.B: yes, the ice carve is a marvelous spectacle, it is so beautiful that many foreigner arrive to visit there. I also have been there 2 years before.C: ok. I shall make the plan before the holiday time coming?A: yes, don’t forget carry a camera with you, and you can take many pictures.D: it’s a real challenge that making a travel in this cold winter. May you have a good holiday.C: thank you.B: in the end, let’s say some a luck talk to our teacher.ABCD: happy new year!!