

第1个回答  2016-03-20
In life,interpersonal indifference gradually,helping people but I think is very happy.Classmate family,we accompany at his side,to help him through this situation,it makes me feel the friendship.Older grandmother,I help her to wash dishes,my grandmother's smile,I know,she is very happy.To help the patient at the hospital stood up from the bed,we are all very happy.Helping others is helping oneself,let us together to help others,so the world will become very beautiful.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-03-20
Yesterday, Larry was lost her dog . The dog is raised in her childhood, and her deep feelings, she sad. I helped her find and classmates. We first in her family's garden in search, and then went tothe woods near the house .Finally, we found the dog in the river, it was to play with a cat. We happily returned.