

第1个回答  2022-11-03
问题一:有空聊 用英语怎么说 手工翻译,保证准确!
Chat later when free/available.

问题二:下次有空聊?用英文怎么说? Let's chat next time when we are free.

问题三:有空聊,我要忙了 这句话用英语怎么说? I'm busy now,see you next time

问题四:‘我困了,我要睡觉了,有空再聊。’英语怎么表达? ‘我困了,我要睡觉了,有空再聊。’英语表达:I'm sleepy, I want to sleep, have time to chat !

问题五:因为我要睡觉了.有空再聊哦.用英语怎么说 老外说的时候,不础用“因为”,直接就是我要睡觉了回聊。 I guess it is time for me to go to bed. Talk to you later.

问题六:你忙吧!现在不打扰你了,以后有空再聊 这句话用英语怎么说? Are you busy! Don't disturb you now, free talk to you later

问题七:有空聊会天吗英语怎么说 scanned copy of invitation letter

问题八:“请问你一天中的什么时间有空可以上微信和我聊天?”用英语怎么说? Can you free what time of day on micro letter and I chat?