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懂英语的朋友帮我翻译几句,谢谢! - www问答网


1 她已经下班了,你打她手机吧!
2 你过一会再打来吧,大概十点后啦。
3 你什么时候到广州的?
4 她不在,已经回家了。
5 没关系。
6 请喝茶。
7 我要走了。

1. She is off work now. Please call at her cell/mobile phone.
2. Please call later, maybe after 10 o'clock.
3. When did you arrive in Guangzhou?
4. She's gone home./She's going home.
5. Not at all./It doesn't matter./You are welcome. (要看回答的是什么。)
6. Tea, please./Have a (cup of) tea, please.
7. I shall leave now./I must be going now.