
我有一只猫 它的名字叫咪咪 它有两只蓝眼睛 它的毛很柔软 它的爪子是白的 在它饿了的时候它会对我喵喵叫 它晚上睡在沙发上 我很爱它

第1个回答  2012-05-27
I have a cat, her name is mimi. She has two blue eyes. She is soft. Her paws are white. She meows at me when she is hungry. She sleeps on couch at night. I love her so much.
第2个回答  2012-05-27
have a cat, its name is Mimi, it has two blue eyes, its hair is very soft, its claws are white, it will meow to me when hungry, at night it sleep in the sofa, I love it本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2012-05-27
I have a cat whose name is MiMi . It has blue eyes , soft fur and white paws.If it feels hungry,it will shout at me,In the evening,it sleeps at the sofa.I love its very much.