

As we know ,there are so many differences between humour of the China and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.These differences can be so obvious that you may easily tell them apart,especially in their movies and tv shows.I will set examples of China and Britain.
Chinese,as we are,we are all too familiar with our humor.Our humour bases on the life and is very implicit.The humour artist make full use of the dialect and their eloquence.Their joke is the concentration of people's life.If you want to know more,you can listen some chinese cross-talk and watch the sketch of Zhao Benshan.
However,British humour is full of "irony"and self-mockery which the chinese tend not to understand.
Ask any Brit about British humour and they will tell you, in absolute seriousness, that it is unique, indiginious and incompatible with any other country's humour.
Ask them what is special about British humour and they will often reply by mentioning "irony"——that ingredient of jokes that foreigners"do not get".
Irony is defied as a character speaking on a subject about which the audience knows more than himself. It is the presentation of a lack of self-awareness. And though its usages are often difficult to translate, it has been a feature of every nation's humour for centuries.
Another thing the Brit might tell you is "we British have the ablity to laugh at ourselves". And while Briton enjoys no monopoly in self-mockery, she does, I feel, consistently push its boundaries. Comedy productions in Britain, for example, regularly produce characters with no truly good motivations, with even the good condamned as "boring". The darkest, most selfish aspects of humans, and of human nature, are exposed and explored in a way that might appear cynical to the outsider. And this is often as true of everyday humour as it is of TV comedy or tabloid newspaper reporting.

As far as I am concerned, both chinese and western humour are typical reflects of their culture. They are all treasure of human beings.
That’s all. thank you.





第1个回答  2012-10-14
第2个回答  2012-10-15