凯蒂佩里Dark Horse歌词音译(不是翻译)


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26
I knew you were 爱妞 油我
You were gonna come to me 油 过哪 坑吐密
And here you are N 嘻 油阿
But you better choose carefully 八 油贝特 出史 K佛利
Cause I-I-I 可晒~~~
I'm capable of anything 爱 克怕怕 娄 安尼醒
Of anything 喔 安尼醒
And everything 安 厄利醒

Make me your Aphrodite 妹密哟 厄佛代利
Make me your one and only 妹密哟 万N翁利
But don't make me your enemy 洞~ 妹密哟 安你米
Your enemy 哟 安你米
Your enemy 哟 安你米

So you wanna play with magic? 收油 往哪 配V 妹及
Boy, you should know what you're falling for 波 油秀闹 我油 佛林佛
Baby, do you dare to do this? 贝别, 杜油 爹吐 杜D史
Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse 可晒 炕明 恶曲赖可 大货史
Are you ready for? Ready for? 阿油 略弟佛 略弟佛
A perfect storm? Perfect storm? 厄 破非 史洞, 破非 史洞
Cause once you're mine 可史 万切麦,
Once you're mine万切麦
There's no going back 爹史闹 够印贝

Hey! [etc.]

Mark my words 马麦我史
This love will make you levitate 弟史拉 威妹油 列威忒
Like a bird 赖科波
Like a bird without a cage 赖科波 威凹 厄K
We're down to earth 威 荡吐二
If you choose to walk away 业非 出史吐 我克伟
Don't walk away 洞 我克伟

It's in the palm of your hand now baby 衣醒的胖 哦哟汉 闹贝别
It's a yes or a no , No maybe 衣色 业史 哦闹 闹妹别
So just be sure 收 抓史B说
Before you give it up to me B佛 油gi 威阿吐密
Up to me 阿吐密
Give it up to me gi威 阿吐密本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-03-13




