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Answers for Unit 2
1. are likely to
2. break up/disintegrate
3. as a whole
4. powerless against/completely controlled by
5. not surprising/only too natural
1. delay
2. Feverishly
3. façade
4. confronted
5. premise
6. dreaded
7. automatically
8. awaiting
1. obsessive
2. moodiness
3. tolerable
4. beneficial
5. satisfying
6. hidden
7. preference
8. criticisms
1. conceal, disguise
2. narrow
3. satisfaction, happiness, joy
4. merits, advantages
5. fat, plump
6. well-built
7. old-fashioned, outdated
8. clearly, evidently
1. prepare
2. progress
3. foresee
4. parallel
5. perimeter
6. diameter
7. semiconductor
8. decelerate

1. agony
2. agonies
3. experience
4. experiences
5. youth
6. a youth
7. a great help
8. a good knowledge
9. a gray hair
10. work
A lot of, a little, some, a few, A, some, some, a lot of, X, many, X, a lot of

1. all, Every one,Every
2. each
3. Every
4. each
5. Everyone
6. Each
7. everyone, everyone
8. Each

1. you must take care
2. Though he received the document late at night, it
3. When he fell
4. When you read
5. I became clear about what he meant
6. We saw the first star shining in the sky
7. who were eating
8. he was cleaning

1. As long as you have your health and your sanity, money isn’t really important.
2. Obviously, the discomfort of the job is not enough to prevent this young man from his goal—making money for his education.
3. The customer neither needs nor plans to buy candy and chewing gum, which are attractively displayed.

1. 许多中年人去健身房锻炼,到街上跑步,为的是延续衰老。
2. 青年人最不稳定的因素是,他们对价值观、人生目标和梦想还犹豫不定。
3. 镇上开会我可以大胆发言,在商店里购物我也敢投诉,因为我不在害怕人们会笑我,也不再渴望人人都喜欢我。
4. 我不在因为自己个性方面的缺陷责怪父母,也不会对他们在养育我的过程中所犯的种种过失耿耿于怀。
1. Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.
2. Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife.
3. For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life.
4. I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather.
5. When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to china he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.
6. She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace to her parents.
7. Since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in contrast that of some developed countries has declined.
8. The earthquake isolated this city from other areas. I’m afraid their food supplies will not hold out through the winter.
1. against
2. for
3. future
4. done
5. other
6. of
7. their
8. likely
9. if
10. themselves
第1个回答  2011-02-21