一选择题 紧急

yesterday I went to buy a computer . there were so many models for us _____ in the shop that I was at a loss which to by.
A. to be chosen B. to choose C. to choose from D. for choosing
there be 句型后的非谓语结构不是根据非谓语动词与there be 后名词之间的关系判断的吗? 那么model 与 choose 的关系就是被动;了. 而这边的答案却没有体现这点. 难道是因为多了个"for us" 其次,choose 后面为什么一定要加from

Yesterday I went to buy a computer . There were so many models for us _____ in the shop that I was at a loss which to buy.
A. to be chosen B. to choose C. to choose from D. for choosing
there be 句型后的非谓语结构不是根据非谓语动词与there be 后名词之间的关系判断的吗? 那么model 与 choose 的关系就是被动;了. 而这边的答案却没有体现这点. 难道是因为多了个"for us" 其次,choose 后面为什么一定要加from
析:There is sth. to do/ to be done,不定式作定语,主被动都可以。如不定式有自己的逻辑主语,(用for 引出), for sb. to do ,则只用主动式,所以排除A。
这一题主要考choose sth. 和choose from sth. (复数)的区别。前者choose为及物动词,意为选中,如We chose him. She chose a cheaper one. 后者choose为不及物动词,意为“选择”,后而介词from ...表示选择的范围。to choose (one) from the five .从五个中选择(出一个来)。
技巧:这种题,答案多为choose from, 因为汉语常说:店中有很多型号的电脑可供选择。而同学们平时记的Choose的意思,就是“选择”。汉语中省略不说:确“从。。。中”的。
第1个回答  2011-05-05
c。 to choose from the many models (从诸多型号中选) 不能说 to choose the many models (这样说是“选中”的意思了)
for us to choose from the many models 是原意
第2个回答  2011-05-05
而choose是及物动词,后面应该接选择的对象,即 choose sth from 待选择的对象.
第3个回答  2011-05-05
C. to choose from
第4个回答  2011-05-06
选择C, for us是choose的逻辑主语,那么“我们”与“选择”之间是主谓关系,因此用主动形式