求翻译 猫和老鼠


Long long ago, there was a cat and a rat came to live together. At that time, the cat doesn't eat mice.

Winter is coming, they bought an altar for winter eat oil. The mouse said: "oil is put in the home, I greediness, far little than hidden place, in the winter we take out to eat." The cat said: "yes." They take the altar, dark oil to the big house home miles far hid.

One day, in the temple of mice want big oil for cats, rats, said: "the cat, my elder sister had a baby invited me to dinner, ok with you?" The cat said: "of course!" Mouse went to the big house started to eat oil, ate a layer, went home, the cat asked: "you big sister of children born to call what name?" The mouse said: "call a layer."

Another 18 days, mouse and eat oil, he said: "the cat cat, I two elder sister to have children, please I used to eat, your own home guard!" The cat said: "ok." Mice to eat oil, joss house began to eat half the oil, went home. The cat asked: "you two elder sister's children call what name!" The mouse said: "call half." The cat said: "your house children not that half that layer.

And a few more than 20 days, mouse and thirsty, and to the cat said: "the cat, my three elder sister to have children, please me to eat." The cat said: "go, go!" This time the mice ate all the oil, returned home later for a cat mouse, said: "I three elder sister's children called see bottom."

Winter arrived, the cat said to the mouse, "winter came to nothing, we eat got oil get back?" The mouse said: "yes." The cat went in front and back of the mice, the cat see are mice beams, and then see the cylinder the footprints of the oil all gone, mouse just want to say, on the cat ran the mice ate.
第1个回答  2011-05-27
本报讯 (记者郑伟庭)昨日下午,白云区某学院门口,一群人摇着紧闭的学校大门,情感冲动。据悉,4月30日,男生阿东在学校坠楼身亡,这些人是阿东的家属。


第2个回答  2011-05-16
第3个回答  2011-05-18
第4个回答  2012-02-28