










  2.田园像一幅画,像一首诗,像一首歌,田园美的让你留恋! 我爸爸的家乡在乡下,每逢节假日,我便会跟着爸爸妈妈去那里看望爷爷奶奶,同时还可以欣赏美丽的田园风光。   xiao xue 123
  走在乡间的马路上,我感到空气清鲜甜润。放眼望去,映入眼帘的天空湛蓝深远,群山连绵起伏,小溪清澈见底,还有那一块块“科技示范田”连成的金黄色的稻浪……令人心旷神怡!   xiao xue 123
  农家小院里房前屋后搭起的一架架结满南瓜和葡萄的架子,就像一座座大凉棚,成了人们纳凉的好地方。院子里栽着鸡冠花、万寿菊、一串红……虽然不是什么奇花异葩,但却同样把小院点缀得生机盎然。   xiao xue 123
  各家各户散养的鸡、鸭、鹅、狗等家畜和家禽也显的格外的悠然自得。每天清晨,漂亮的大公鸡会准时地站在高高的墙头上啼鸣,好像在向人们报告新的一天到来了。下过蛋的母鸡,带着鸡宝宝悠闲的在地上觅食;大笨猪都争先恐后地抢食吃,怪不得一个个长的膘肥体壮;最忠于职守的要属大黄狗了,如果有陌生人进来,它就会迅速迎上去旺旺地叫各不停,好像是在迫不及待的告诉主人,有客人来啦、有客人来啦!这里到处都充满着和谐之美。   xiao xue 123
  和爸爸每次回家乡的路上,爸爸看着家乡的变化,总是不停的发出感叹:“变化太快了,变化太大了,新农村建设政策真好”……到了爷爷家,每天都乐得合不拢嘴的爷爷,总是要和我说,今天的“农村新生活”几十年前,他想都没敢想过。每到这时,爷爷还要鼓励我几句,要我好好学习,多学习科学知识,将来长大了为国家多做贡献,把未来的农村建设的更加美好。爷爷告诉我:“科技兴农”是硬道理啊!   xiao xue 123
  最让城里人羡慕的是房前屋后的菜园了,西红柿、茄子、黄瓜……应有尽有,随手摘下一些就可以做上几道纯正的“农家菜”,既鲜美又环保。   xiao xue 123
第1个回答  2011-05-11
city life and country life

some peole like to live in a city and some people like to live in a country, and some people choose both.

city life

the city has all the facilities for higher education. there are food schools and well-qualified teachers. there are also well-equipped libraries in the city, and sufficient quick transport facilities. there are more facilities for entertainment in the city- cinemas , theatre, restaurants, swimming pools, parks and clubs etc.
it is very easy to find a job in the city . i know that there are a few disadvantages too in the city - noise pollution ,air pollution ,unclean environment , non availability of fresh fruits and vegetables and difficulty in finding pure drinking water etc.

country life

the envrionment in the countryside is very clean , i can lead a healthy life in the town. the cost of living is less in the village than in the town. i can eat fresh fruits and vegetables and drink pure water. almost all the foodstuffs are available at a fair price. there is no adulteration of food as in the towns .villagers lead a simple life.
the life in the countryside is close to nature. the villagers are very friendly and helpful. they know one another well. everyone likes to extend his or her co-operation towards others in their needs. heaps of garbage are hardly be seen in the village.
the only great disadvantages in a village is the lack of medical facilities . also villages have only secondary schools .children who need to continue their higher education have to go to the cities. 回答者: yishasha4127 | 二级 | 2006-9-17 13:49
Country living is so much healthier than city living. The air is fresh and clean. Country kids spend a lot of time outdoors and they are involved in healthy activities like horse riding, swimming and bushwalking. Our food is fresh because we get our fruit, vegetables and meat from the local area. It
doesn't have to be put on a truck and carried hundreds of kilometers to a city market.
You are never lonely in the country. You know all your neighbors and you've usually grown up with all the kids in your school. People look after each other. They help their neighbors in times of trouble and all join together to celebrate happy events. Whenever you go to a party or a dance, you always have friends there to talk to.
In the evenings, you can enjoy peace and quiet and clear skies. You can't hear your neighbors' television because they live too far away. Best of all, you can enjoy the beauty of a star-filled sky. There is no pollution to hide the sky and no streetlights to outshine the stars.


In the city, there are plenty of things for teenagers to do. They can go to the cinema as often as they like. Because there are so many cinemas in a small area, they have lots of choice about what to see.There are plenty of other activities too. Teenagers can go rollerblading or iceskating. They can go to skateboard parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.
There is also plenty of choice in the city. For example,there are lots of restaurants to choose from. If you wanted to,you could have food from a different country every night of the week.
In the city, you can meet many interesting people from all walks of life, and from many different countries. For example,at my school, we have students from India, several Pacific islands, Greece, Italy, the Philippines, Vietnam and Lebanon.
Facilities are much easier to get to in the city as well.Whatever you need, you can find close by. There are baby health clinics in every suburb, police stations everywhere,and youth clubs within a few kilometers of your home.
A city is exciting, convenient and always changing.There is always plenty to do and see. and lots of different people to meet. I love the city I live in and I wouldn't live anywhere else.


