史密斯夫妇的儿子接客刚从国外学习两年后回来 为表庆祝 史密斯夫妇想邀请好友格林夫妇一家于2011年6月25下

儿子杰克 2011.6.25下午六点来家中吃晚饭 之后举行小型舞会。 请以史密斯夫妇的名义写封邀请信信中首先表达想念之情,随后说明邀请事宜 ,最后表示盼望格林夫妇一家前来做客 急求 谢谢

Dear Mrs. and Mr. Gray, 19th June 2011
We haven't met for quite a while. How are you today?
My son, Jack, has just returned home after a two-years' study overseas. Taking this opportunity, we would like to organize a function at home on 25th June 2011, Saturday to celebrate this occassion. And we would be honored if you couple would be able to join us and other friends.
The function will start at 6:00p.m. with a buffet dinner follow by a dance party. how i wish you came !
We are sure you will meet many old friends and recall many old memories in this coming event.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. and Mr. Smiths..