英译汉: Kelada先生是怎样一个人


Mr. Kelada was a person who insisted on being received with the formalities that were his due, and he resented familiarity. He was a small, thin man of middle age, with black hair parted in the middle, a black moustache, and carefully trimmed black beard. His features were fine, and regular, and he had a pointed, beard. He was a snappy dresser and wore a diamond ring. He spoke with a slight foreign accent and was extremely polite. He was a good dancer and a good shot with a revolver. He could play bridge better than most Englishmen and won a great deal of money at the Turf Club. He travelled with a set of limousines and an attractive valet. The first time I saw him, I thought he was a Frenchman. I soon discovered that he was a Levantine, of what nationality I do not remember.