[寻大神,寻帮助] 求英文大神帮我把下面几句中文翻译成英文 请不要使用在线翻译工具 感激不尽感激不尽!!!!!

白求恩还不顾个人安危亲自到最前线为伤员做手术. 一次白求恩正在做一个手术,敌人突然进行猛烈的进攻,他没有撤离岗位坚持的做完了手术,但在手术中手指却被划破受到感染,他不幸患上血液中毒症。由于医药缺乏,白求恩经抢救无效,不幸病逝。

请不要使用在线翻译工具 在此先谢过大家了..!


Bethune not to mention his own danger personally to the forefront for wounded surgery. Once Bethune is doing an operation, the enemy suddenly launched fierce attack, he didn't evacuate post insist the finished the operation, but during an operation fingers but cut infected, he suffers from unfortunately blood poisoning disease. Due to the lack of medicine, Bethune disables via rescue, illness unfortunately.
第1个回答  2010-12-16
Bethune not to mention his own danger personally to the forefront for wounded surgery. Once Bethune is doing an operation, the enemy suddenly launched fierce attack, he didn't evacuate post insist the finished the operation, but during an operation fingers but cut infected, he suffers from unfortunately blood poisoning disease. Due to the lack of medicine, Bethune disables via rescue, illness unfortunately. 应该是这样