


关于“裤头”的说法有好多版本了。 其中流传下来最著名的就属三国时期“孟获”版的了。









"诸葛亮与孟获"之裤头的传说 " Between Zhu Ge-liang and Meng obtain" Trousers head legend

问:为什么短裤要叫“裤头”。 Q: Why the shorts want to let " The trousers head " .

答: A:
关于“裤头”的说法有好多版本了。 About " trousers head " Statement many edition. 其中流传下来最著名的就属三国时期“孟获”版的了。 Among them spread in the period of Three Kindoms for most famous belonging to " Meng obtains " The edition.

相传诸葛亮收服“孟获”之前,孟将军很害怕诸葛先生的,他提前将周围的部落要逐一统一,而当时小部落盛行,非常之多,孟将军要一个个部落送财礼。 Zhu Ge-liang is conquered according to legend " Meng obtains " Before this, general Meng fears Mr. Zhuge very much, he is ahead of time the clan around should be unified one by one, and the small clan prevailed at that time, many, general Meng wanted clans to give the gift of the wealth.

由于当时南方少数民族流行短裤,(而相反汉人都以长袍为服饰),他就以华丽的半截短裤配以首饰相送给各个部落的小首领,但这都是军营中的秘密了,开始并没外传的,而”头人“则是少数民族的族长的称呼,后来随着孟将军统一了属于他的部落,他自然被称呼为”头人“,而随着诸葛先生“七擒孟获”的成功,他以前贿赂小部落首领的故事也流传开了,因为他送的是短裤。 Because of southern ethnic minority prevailing shorts at that time, (whether opposite the Hans regard gown as the dress) ,He is it give each little head of clan with magnificent half a section shorts with ornament to mix, unless but these for secret at military camp, it is it is be spread of outside to more have not to begin,and " The tribal chief " is the call of the clan elder of an ethnic minority, belong to clan of him in unison with general Meng later, he naturally call was " Tribal chief", " seven catch with Mr. Zhuge Meng obtain" Success, the story that he bribed the little clan leader in the past has spread and driven too, because what he sent was shorts.

而孟将军又被称为“头人”后来,民间就把这种服饰叫做“裤头”,后来随着岁月的消磨,也就流传于大江南北了,至于其他说法,都没有可靠的依据,至少“孟获”版本,一直流传至今了。 And general Meng is known as again " The tribal chief " Later, called this kind of dress " the trousers head " among the people ,With the wearing down of years later, spread in the north and south of great river too, as for other statements, do not all have a reliable basis, " Meng obtains " at least The edition, has been spreading so far all the time.
第1个回答  2007-02-25
“Zhuge Liang and underpants of Meng Huo" fable Questioning: Why does the short have to be called “the underpants”. Answer: About “underpants” the view had many editions. In which spread famous down is the Three Kingdoms time “Meng to attain” the version. Hands down Zhuge Liang to subdue “Meng attains” before, General Meng very much is afraid Mr. Zhuge, he the periphery tribe will have to unify one by one ahead of time, but at that time the small tribe was in vogue, many, General Meng wanted each one tribe to give the wealth present extremely. (But as a result of at that time south the national minority popular short, opposite Han people all take long gown as clothing), he on matched by the magnificent half short by the jewelry see off for each tribe's young leaders, but this all was in the military compound has been secret, started certainly not to have the unauthorized biography, but” the headman “was national minority's head of the clan's name, afterwards unified along with General Meng belonged to his tribe, he by the name was naturally” the headman “, but “seven seized Meng attained” the success along with Mr. Zhuge, he before bribed the small tribe leader's story also to spread, because he delivered is the short. But General Meng is called “the headman” afterwards, the folk on is called this kind of clothing “the underpants”, afterwards along with years wearing down, also spread north Chiangnan, as for other views, did not have the reliable basis, “Meng attained” the edition at least, spread continuously until now. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This paragraph entire for author original folk tale, meaning reward original friend, many thanks direction! Translation time may consider doesn't need according to Chinese expression, how to be completely appropriate how translates then! But if corresponds the translation, that was better!

第2个回答  2007-03-10
The legend of"the various 葛 is bright to get with 孟 " its trousers head

Ask:why the shorts want to call "trousers head".

As for the parlance of"trousers head" there are a lot of editions. Spread down among them most a 著 of belong to Three Kingdoms period"the 孟 get" a version of.

It is rumored the various 葛 is bright before accepting "the 孟 get", the 孟 general fears a various 葛 Sir very much of, he advances to want circumferential tribe one by one to unify, but at that time small tribe widely accepted, very it many, the 孟 general wanted a tribe to send a wealth gift.

Because the southern national minority spread shorts at that time,(and contrary Hahn people all took full-length gown as dress) , he went together with by gorgeous half shorts to send mutually by jewelry to each small leader of tribe, but all of this was the secret in the army camped, the beginning had no unauthorized biography of, and"head person"then the clan of national minority grow of form of address, unify to belong to his tribe along with the 孟 general afterwards, he nature is called for" head person", and along with various 葛 Sir" seven capture 孟 to get" of successful, he bribed the story of small tribe leader to also spread to open before, because what he sent was a shorts.

And the 孟 general is afterwards called "head person" again, folks be called"trousers head" to this kind of dress, idle away along with the years afterwards, also spread north in the big river south, as for other parlances, there is all no dependable basis, at least"the 孟 get" edition, has been spreading up to now.
第3个回答  2007-02-25
Zhuge Liang and seven "belts and shorts to ask : Why the legend" belts. " Answer : "belts" There are many versions of the argument. It was the most famous of which have been handed down three times "starting" version of the. Zhuge Liang to win the legend "times" before Bangladesh's general fear Zhuge, He will advance to the surrounding each tribal unity, then small village rife, many times, Bangladesh General gifts to one tribe. As Southern Minority popular shorts. (Han and are contrary to the dress robes) his shorts and sleeveless with gorgeous gift-phase mixture of various tribes of the small jewelry leaders, but they are the secrets of the barracks. No rumor started, and the "chiefs" is the name of ethnic minority elders, Later, as Bangladesh belongs to the tribe unified general, he naturally called "chiefs" As Mr. Zhuge "arrested seven times", the success that he used bribes small tribal leaders to spread the story. He was sent to the shorts. General and Bangladesh has been known as the "brains" Later, civil christened this dress called "belts" Later, with the passing years, it was popular in the country, the other view, no reliable basis at least "seven" version, the date has been rumored.

第4个回答  2007-02-25
Zhuge Liang and Meng attain " Underpants fable Question: Why does the short have to be called "theunderpants". Answer: About "underpants" the view had many editions. Spread down is mostfamous is three countries times "Meng to attain" the version. Hands down Zhuge Liang's to subdue "Meng attains" before, General Mengvery much is afraid Mr. Zhuge, he the periphery tribe will have tounify one by one ahead of time, at that time but the small tribe wasin vogue, were extremely many, General Meng wanted a each one tribe togive the wealth present. As a result of south the national minority popular short, (butopposite Han people all take long gown as clothing), he on matched theyoung leader at that time by the magnificent half short which gaveeach tribe by the jewelry, but this all was in the military compoundhas been secret, started certainly not to have the unauthorizedbiography, but "the headman" was national minority's head of theclan's name, afterwards unified along with General Meng belonged tohis tribe, he naturally by the name was "the headman", but "sevenseized Meng attained" the success along with Mr. Zhuge, he beforebribed the small tribe leader's story also to spread, because hedelivered is the short. But General Meng is called "the headman" afterwards, the folk on iscalled this kind of clothing "the underpants", afterwards along withyear wearing down, also spread to 大江南北, as for other views,all did not have the reliable basis, at least "Meng attained" theedition, continuously spread until now.

