

习语翻译的具体原则和方法:标准的翻译和外国翻译理论提出了不同的想法。严复的“信达雅” ,傅雷的“重现实的形状, ”先生,章呸迹的“忠实的”瞿秋白从“相同的概念, ”众所周知的美国理论家尤金奈达翻译“功能等同(功能当量uivalence ) “或”动态对等(动态等值) “我们可以看到,这些想法是相辅相成互相影响,不断提高,但重点是不同的。但是,该中心和结晶被要求忠实准确地传达原意,并保持原有的风格,忠实地反映原貌。所谓忠实于原意的表达,其表达是指忠实的字面意义的原始文字,图片的意义和影响的三个。然而,并非每一个字的原始文字,每个成语,词组也有三个意义,有些人可能只有字面意义没有形象意义;他们既可以字面意义和意义的形象,但没有任何隐藏的含义。特别是,语言和文化的任何两个不完全正确的。这是必要的原意所有三个繁殖往往是要求是不可能的。如果字面意义或意义的形象和寓意的翻译,由于文化差异导致冲突和字面意义或意义应当从属于形象寓意。其次,形象的原始意义,目标语言可能不符合毫无意义或含义相同的形象,尽管相同的图像或暗示的意义(包括谴责意义)有冲突,那么首先要考虑的是形象的隐含的意义时准确的信息,另一个变化可能是熟悉这首诗:图像或图像的意义不仅抛弃翻译字母i
第1个回答  2013-12-06

Translation of Idioms specific principles and methods : standard on translation and foreign translation theorists have put forward different ideas. Yan Fu's "letter and elegance", Fu Lei's "heavy emphasis on realistic shape," Mr. Zhang Peiji of the "faithful ones"; Qu Qiubai from the "same concept," to the well-known American theoretician Eugene Nida translation of "functional equivalence (functional eq uivalence) "or" dynamic reciprocity (dynamic equivalence) " We can see that these ideas are mutually influence each other, constantly improved, although the focus is different. But the center and crystallization are asked to be faithful accurately convey the original meaning, and maintain the original style, faithfully reflect the original appearance. The so-called faithful to the original meaning of the expression, the expression refers to faithfully to the literal meaning of the original text, image significance and implications of three. However, not every word of the original text, each Idioms, phrases also have three significance, and some may only literal meaning no image significance; They may both literal meaning and significance of the image, but there is no hidden meaning. In particular, the language and culture of any two are not completely right. It is necessary to the original meaning all three Reproduction is often asked to impossible. If the literal meaning or significance of the image and implied meaning in the translation because of cultural differences lead to conflicts and literal meaning or significance should be subordinate to the image implied meaning. Secondly, the image of the original significance of the target language may not correspond no significance or meaning of the same image, Although the same image or implies significance (including condemnation significance) have conflicts, Then the first thing to consider is the image of the implied meaning of accurate information, Another change may be familiar with the poem : the image or the image of a discarded significance only translated implied meaning. In short, the implied meaning, is the original meaning of the expression of desire is the most important. In the translation method, the translation of translation theory has been the focus of debate. We pass on some information and translation theory and practice of learning that the translation of is relative. interlinkages between the two, there is no absolute line. To a large work of a small sentence will be both literal translation and free translation. Always a good translation of both literal translation of another, the translation of the other. We believe that if the word can accurately convey the meaning of the original variety, literal, If not translated many of the original meaning, especially not accurately translated implied significance on the use of English translation.