

A few days ago, I saw from the report : in Wuhan, there was a grandfather fell, after the old man fell gathered a lot of onlookers passers-by. A kindly old woman want to look forward is to carry emergency medicine , but was "kind" discouraged. No one stepped forward to rescue this again until the end of the old life .
This is why ? Common sense says an octogenarian fell to the ground , someone should put him pulled from the ground , but some people are afraid of making the same mistakes , propped been blamed for the elderly . For this reason , I deliberately interviewed his mom and dad .
Mom and Dad have agreed that: if someone is present, the more Zhaoxie Ren Fu together ; If the old old , you call 120 , allowing medical personnel to deal with.
I think : Nowadays people fear that they eat a little loss , propped elderly are not willing to do things such little effort . Even being framed for the elderly , but they have to believe that the law is always also own an innocent. Since ancient times, the traditional virtues of care for the young , if we have each name of a small calculator, that it still virtue? Think about it, if there is an old man fall in front of you , your extended hand , you save one life it is , you're gone , probably will have to end a life .
An old saying: " little children ." Mutual help between people , which is the traditional virtue, should be commended .
第1个回答  2014-04-14