
问题 what do people do during spring festival?

Before the New Year Eve, people cleaning the house thoroughly, derocating it with "Chun Lian" "NianHua" and "Fu" which showing the best hope for the year coming. Last but most important ,the family member will get together and prepare a fabulous dinner for themselves, which of course including the well-known "jiaozi". That's also the reason that people will struggle to go to home before the Spring Festival no matter how hard and difficult for them to go home and to have the New Year Eve Dinner with family. At dinner, we enjoy the dinner,talking and chatting about the year to go, watching the Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢晚会)on CCTV. On the time 0 o'clock, the male member of a family will be response to play the Firecracker outside to celebrate the new year coming.
The first day of new year, people will visit their realitives with gifts and greeting. Usually it is the junior family member to say something luck to the senior member. In returns, they will receive Lucky Money (红包) from the senior ones.
As China is a large country, different regions also have their own tradditions to celebrate the Spring Festival, but what have mentioned before is almost every chinese people will do.
第1个回答  2019-03-26
I’d like to eat a feast with my family in night. I also like to talk about this year and I can play pop G with my friend.we can have a lot of fun and the celebrations are beautiful,I’m happy and exciting on Spring Festival.
第2个回答  2011-01-26
what will people do during the Spring Festival?
第3个回答  2011-01-26
what will you do during the Spring Festival?
第4个回答  2011-01-26
what do people do during Spring Festival