

第1个回答  2022-06-17



  Q: Please say something except your self-introduction.

  A: You mean about my self-introduction?

  (I think he has some Arabian Accent. Is he from Arabian countries?

  No, I am pretty sure he is definitely a Chinese, one of my people.)

  Q: No, anything except your self-introduction.

  A: Oh, sorry. Can I speak something about my job criteria?

  Q: Criteria? What is criteria? What does that mean?

  A: It means the standards or expectations when I'm looking for a job.

  Q: Ok. Say something about that.

  A: All right. First, I wanna know what I could learn from the job. That


  (He was communicating with other staff of Huawei about something, I

  thought he might be busying in something so I stopped and waited for

  him to finish.)

  Q: Please go on. I'm listening.

  A: OK, that means what my future would be if I took the job...

  (He's still talking to other in Chinese, so I stopped again.)

  Q: Please go on.

  A: OK. The second is that I wanna know if it is something that I really

  want, that means ... that means if I could totally devote myself in

  the job... , the third is ... if I am qualified for the job...

  (I stopped several times because he talked to two other guys and answered

  a phonecall to his cell during the conversation.)

  Q: I've noticed on your resume that you worked in ###(a company's name) for

  only 4 months, why did you quit?

  A: Well, I must say...(I was interrupted because he's talking to another guy

  again.) I must say that I was too young and not so mutural at that time.

  I think I was not well prepared to begin my professional career in my

  heart...(He answered another phonecall)

  Q: How old were you at that time?

  A: 22.

  Q: You're 22, and you said you're not matural?

  A: I think sometimes maturaty is not related only to the age...

  (He answered his cell again, but this time he stepped forward to the window.

  The call lasted about 5 minutes. I was still waiting, and then he came back.)

  A: ...(I was about to continue but I was interrupted again.)

  Q: Mr. Zhang, you must know Huawei is a international company, and it's products

  are sold in international, it's international. (I think 'Huawei is an

  internationalized company' would be good alternative to the three sentences

  he just said.)So the English is very important to our employees, but your

  english does not reach to our requirements. So, I think you're not appropriate

  for our company.

  A: OK. So can I take my resume back? (Well, now I must admit that I'm still not

  matural enough.)

  Q: OK.

  A: Thank you.



  英语电话面试或者一面的第一个英文问题很有可能是“introduce yourself”或者“give a brief introduction of the work you are doing/you did" , 所以在参加面试之前不妨写一下怎么介绍自己,怎么介绍自己简历上写过的项目等,然后可以反复阅读然后自己说给自己听来做下事前准备。


  听不懂不是什么大问题,不懂装懂才是问题。当听不懂面试官说什么的时候可以大胆的说“sorry, I didn't follow you, can you please repeat it”,这个不会降低面试官对你的印象,因为面试的一个很重要的部分是考察你的交流能力。而听不懂礼貌的让人重复也是个不错的交流能力。而且现实工作中由于要和不同英语口音的人交流,听不懂是很正常的,这个时候不能卡壳,不能面面相觑,不能不懂装懂,而是立刻礼貌的要求别人重复。这里强调的一点是一般工作中我们让人重复不太会总是说pardon,这个词比较急促,听起来不是特别礼貌。

  尽量把每一句说的流利,但是句子和句子之间可以加停顿。比如用语气词uh,或者and, well等来表示你在斟酌怎么表达你要说的内容。比如“This part of improvement, uh... ..., I was one of the main contributors. And.... ... I've been driving it even further afterwards "。 这种停顿不但不会影响别人对你的英文的观感,反而会让人觉得你稳重。
