
为了实现计算机辅助图像信息管理,本系统基于Visual Basic 6.0程序开发平台,采用SQLServer2000作为开发的后台数据库。系统实现了四项信息管理模块:图像类别管理;图像基本信息修改;条件查询,并支持模糊查询;用户权限管理。本系统较好完成了图像的添加、修改、删除、查询等工作,较好的完成了用户需求。
关键词: 关系数据库;Visual Basic 6.0;图像管理系统;信息系统

In order to realize computer aided image information management, our system is based on Visual Basic 6.0 development platform, utilizing SQL Server2000 as background database.

The system realized four information management modules: image type management, image basic information modification, conditional search and with support of wildcast, user privilege management. And system is good at tasks like: image adding, editing, deleting, searching, and so on, to meet user’s needs.

Keywords: Relationship Database, Visual Basic 6.0, Image Management System, Information System