

This is my first time experiencing an air trip to another province-hangzhou.

Hangzhou has long been a famous tourist attraction. The widely expressed Chinese proverb, "in heaven there is paradise and on earth there are Hangzhou and Suzhou" combined with the words of Marco Polo who described this place as, "the most beautiful and magnificent city in the world" have helped to make Hangzhou one of the biggest tourist attractions in the entire country.
The "West Lake" provides the idyllic image of Hangzhou that most people leave with. There are numerous historical relics and sights scattered about the Lake, including the famous Buddhist temple, Lingyin Temple. You can see many of Hangzhou's sights in a couple of days
Besides the West Lake, there got another place that would never miss, that is WuZhen town.
It is said that people have lived in Wuzhen for 7000 years and over time it has produced a galaxy of talents. Mao Dun, an outstanding modern Chinese writer, was born here and his masterpiece, 'The Lin's Shop', describes vividly the life of Wuzhen. In 1991, Wuzhen was authorized as the Provincial Ancient Town of History and Culture, so ranking first among the six ancient towns south of the Yangtze River.
another highlight of the trip was that -------- SILK !!
Like no one would leave Italy without buying a fancy mask; no one would like to leave Holland without buying wood shoes; if you come down to China, I bet silk is the thing you don’t ever wanna miss.
Yeah, indeed, silk in China got thousands of years’ history. From the dynasty official record to today, silk had been considered as people’s fantasy. Talking about the silk, the first magical thing is it is incredibly light and soft. People wearing silk feel they are wearing nothing and incredibly comfortable. Another catchy thing about silk is the color is really smashing: baby pink, radiant red, greenish blue and bluish green, deep sea blue, ivory yellow and cherry. Whatever colors you could possibly imagine. It is not too much to say both Chinese and foreigners are so attracted to it that they can always shop till drop at any silk store.
When it comes to China, most people would think of silk. And Hangzhou has long been a centre for silk trade. Hangzhou silk is the best in the world and has been since the Tang and Song Dynasties, a period of over 1,000 years. Between Hangzhou and Suzhou, Suzhou's embroidery is the best in China, and Hangzhou is known for producing excellent silks and satins. In Hangzhou, the variety of silks available seems endless. Tailors are also available throughout Hangzhou to make dresses, shirts, and other clothing from silk and satin in a matter of days.

The above give some introduction of hangzhou, that’s a beautiful trip anyway.

第1个回答  2011-05-27
可以用一些过度句 比如as far as i concerned what's more 等 会比较精彩