take charge of和take the charge of 有什么区别


take charge of和take the charge of的区别我懂,"take charge of" 表示以自己的意愿、责任或控制来处理某个事物。"take the charge of" 强调被授权担任领导或负责人,需要履行更为正式或机构化的职责。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~

接下来让我们看下take charge of和take the charge of的其他区别:

1. 行动的角色区别:

   - "take charge of" 表示承担或负责某个任务、职责或项目,并拥有控制权。

   - "take the charge of" 表示接管或掌管某个职位、部门或团队,通常指具有领导或主管的权力。


- She will take charge of organizing the event. (她将负责组织这个活动。)

- He will take the charge of the department in the absence of the manager. (在经理不在的情况下,他将负责这个部门。)

2. 执行任务的范围区别:

   - "take charge of" 通常指负责或承担具体的工作、项目或责任。

   - "take the charge of" 通常指承担整个部门、团队或组织的领导角色。


- She took charge of coordinating the logistics for the conference. (她负责协调会议的物流工作。)

- He took the charge of managing the entire sales team. (他负责管理整个销售团队。)

3. 命令或指挥的权威区别:

   - "take charge of" 表示以自己的意愿、责任或控制来处理某个事物。

   - "take the charge of" 强调被授权担任领导或负责人,需要履行更为正式或机构化的职责。


- She took charge of solving the customer complaints. (她负责解决客户的投诉问题。)

- He took the charge of leading the company through a period of transformation. (他领导公司度过了一个转型期。)

4. 行动发生的时间区别:

   - "take charge of" 可以指现在、将来或过去的行动,灵活性更高。

   - "take the charge of" 常用于表示将来或持续的行动,强调被授权的角色。


- The new manager will take charge of the team starting next month. (新经理将从下个月开始负责这个团队。)

- She took the charge of the project last year and successfully completed it. (她去年负责了这个项目,并成功完成了它。)

5. 语法结构的不同:

   - "take charge of" 后面直接接名词短语或动词的动名词形式。

   - "take the charge of" 后面接定冠词 "the" 和名词,形成一个固定短语。


- She took charge of the marketing department. (她负责市场部。)

- He took the charge of the company's finances. (他负责公司的财务。)

第1个回答  2019-06-04

take charge of和take the charge of的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同


1.take charge of意思:负责; 照管; 监理

2.take the charge of意思:为……负责


1.take charge of用法:接that引导的从句,可以接双宾语,用于被动结构。


I soon had to take charge of the department. 


2.take the charge of用法:用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。


Take the charge of functional distribution and assessment of workshop. 



1.take charge of侧重点:用于一般现在时

2.take the charge of侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时

第2个回答  2023-07-22

"Take charge of"和"take the charge of"是两个短语,用于表示承担责任或主导某项任务。尽管它们在意义上相似,但在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上有一些区别。

1. 释义区别:

- "Take charge of"表示承担或担任责任,负责管理或指导事务。

- "Take the charge of"指的是正式地担任某个职务或职责,并承担相应的责任。


- John will take charge of the project and ensure its successful completion.


- Sarah will take the charge of the department in the absence of the manager.


2. 用法区别:

- "Take charge of"后面通常接的是某个任务、项目或工作,表示自愿或被指派来负责管理或掌控它们。

- "Take the charge of"后面通常接的是具体的职务、岗位或部门,表示正式地担任该职务或负责该部门的管理。


- Susan will take charge of the marketing campaign for our new product.


- Mark will take the charge of the finance department as the new CFO.


3. 使用环境区别:

- "Take charge of"常用于各种工作场景或组织中,以表达负责管理、指导或掌控的意义。

- "Take the charge of"通常在正式的组织或机构中使用,以表示正式负责某个职务或职责。


- The captain will take charge of the team during the match.


- The new CEO will take the charge of the company's operations from next month.


4. 影响范围区别:

- "Take charge of"的影响范围更为广泛,可以涉及项目、任务、团队等多个方面。

- "Take the charge of"的影响范围更为具体,通常指涉及具体的职责、部门或岗位。


- Jane will take charge of organizing the conference, including scheduling and coordination.


- James will take the charge of the human resources department and oversee all HR-related matters.


5. 形象区别:

- "Take charge of"的形象更接近于掌握主导权,承担领导角色。

- "Take the charge of"的形象更接近于承担责任,担任特定的职位。


- The experienced lawyer will take charge of the legal proceedings and guide the team.


- The newly promoted manager will take the charge of the sales department and drive its growth.


第3个回答  2023-07-27

首先我们来看下take charge of和take the charge of的大致意思:

take charge of:词性为动词短语,take charge of是一个动词短语,由动词take和名词短语charge of组成。

take the charge of:词性为动词短语,take the charge of是一个动词短语,由动词take和冠词the以及名词短语charge of组成。

通过下面的表格我们了解下take charge of和take the charge of的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下take charge of和take the charge of的用法区别:

1.语法结构:take charge of是动词短语,而take the charge of是由动词、冠词和名词短语组成的动词短语。


- He will take charge of this project.


- Please take the charge of this job.


2.意义:take charge of表示负责或掌管,而take the charge of表示接管或承担责任。


- She takes charge of the daily operations of the company.


- He will take the charge of managing this project.


3.用法:take charge of在句中可以作为谓语动词短语,而take the charge of常与动词的被动形式连用。


- I will take charge of this project.


- This project will be taken the charge of by him.


第4个回答  2023-07-27

这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 take charge of和take the charge of 的区别:

    "Take charge of" 是正确的表达,用于表示负责或掌管某事物或某个团队。"Take the charge of" 不是一个常用的表达,应该用 "take charge of" 来表达正确的意思。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 take charge of和take the charge of 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 take charge of和take the charge of 的具体区别🤞:

区别1: 结构和冠词的使用

- "take charge of" 是动词短语,其中的 "of" 表示接管或负责管理某事物或情况。

- "take the charge of" 是不太常见的用法,正确的表达应该是 "take charge of",不需要加上 "the"。


1. The new manager will take charge of the marketing department. (新经理将负责管理市场部门。)

2. She took charge of the project and ensured its successful completion. (她接管了这个项目并确保了其成功完成。)

区别2: 用途和含义

- "take charge of" 表示接管、管理、负责某个任务、项目、团队等。

- "take the charge of" 是错误的表达,应该使用 "take charge of"。


1. The teacher will take charge of the class while the principal is on leave. (校长请假期间,老师将负责管理班级。)

2. The experienced executive was assigned to take charge of the company's restructuring. (经验丰富的高管被指派负责公司的重组工作。)

区别3: 语气和常见搭配

- "take charge of" 较为常见,用于正式和非正式场合,语气中性。

- "take the charge of" 是错误的表达,不常见。


1. The new CEO will take charge of the company's operations from next month. (新任CEO将从下个月开始负责公司的运营。)

2. She took charge of the situation and handled it with confidence. (她掌控了局面,并以自信处理了它。)

区别4: 语法正确性

- "take charge of" 是正确的用法,通常不加冠词 "the"。

- "take the charge of" 是错误的用法,不需要加 "the"。


1. The manager will take charge of the sales department. (经理将负责管理销售部门。)

2. She took charge of organizing the event. (她负责组织活动。)
