


Oprah Winfrey once said: "Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher". And we all need to live life a little bit closer to Oprah. These people challen ge you to be the best version of yourself. 

The only downside is that sometimes they ca n be infuriating and inspiring in equal measure. This friend is only an important role model if they b ehave in ways that are authentic and genuine. They will see the best in you and give yo u important feedback on both your strengths and weaknesses. "

奥普拉·温弗瑞曾说:“和那些可以让你提升自己的人在一起。” 我们都需要像奥普拉那 样生活。这些人可以激励你变得更优秀,唯一的不足就是,有时在他们激励你的时候又会使你 恼羞成怒。如果他们的行为是真诚的,那么他们就是你很重要的行为榜样。他们会看见你最好 的一面,也会指出你的优劣。
