be right on target是什么意思


  be right:正确的 ,是对的
  on target :[英][ɔn ˈtɑ:É¡it];[美][ɑn ˈtɑrÉ¡ɪt]

  1、We were still right on target for our deadline.
  2、Abracadabra is already turning a profit and on target to reach$ 240,000 in gross sales in its first year.
  3、Enterprise Replication has increased the degree of parallelism when applying transactions on target servers, resulting in better performance.
  Enterprise Replication增加了在目标服务器上应用事务时的并行度,从而可以获得更好的性能。
  4、In this example, you see that the “ Create table ” statement failed to propagate on target servers.
  在本例中,您将看到“Create table”语句未能广播到目标服务器。
第1个回答  2015-06-14
be right on target

Amanda, my first child, was right on target.我的第一个孩子阿曼达是一个很合适的实验对象。
By God, we were right on target!老天爷作证,我们击中了目标!
The next salvos were right on target.第二波炮火就准确砸在目标上了。”
Your remark concerning the budget was right on target.你对预算。
Mind and the world will rarely rime, Are right on target every time.说自己进了天堂在墙壁上涂一层天蓝色
Anyone with some knowledge will know that this was not an accidental hit. It was right on target.稍微有点常识的人都知道这绝非误击,而是准确地击中目标。
We were aiming for a point 1,500 miles south of Hawaii,and we were right on target.我们当时的目标是夏威夷南部1500英里的一个地方,后来我们正好到达目的地。
We were aiming for a point 1,500 miles south of Hawaii, and we were right on target.我们当时的目标是夏威夷南部1,500英里的一个地方;后来我们正好到达目的地。
Our engineers and test drivers tweaked and adjusted the component positions until the center of gravity on the M8JR was right on target.我们的工程师和试车手调整和调整的组成部分的立场,直到重心的M8JR是正确的目标。
His answer was right on the beam.他的答案完全正确。
Your intuition will be right on.你的直觉很对。
His words are right on target.他的话一针见血。
Your internal radar is right on target and you'll be able to spot a bargain from a ga-jillion miles away.你内在的雷达已经瞄准了目标,即时远在天边也能还价。
observations that were right on target.一针见血切中要害的话
I confess you are right on one point.我承认你在某一点上是正确的。
The pupil's answer was right on the beam.那个学生的回答是正确的。
His prediction was right on the money.他的预测准确无误。
Your guess was right on the money.你的猜测是正确的。
Your estimate was right on the nose.你的估计十分正确。
Her estimate was right on the nose.她的估计十分准确。本回答被提问者和网友采纳