
1、我喜爱运动。例如:我喜欢打网球、踢足球。 2、篮球是我最喜爱的运动,但我打得不好。 3、篮球是一项令人兴奋的运动。 4、我经常在周末或放学后和同学一起打篮球。 5、有时候,我看电视上的篮球比赛。 6、打篮球可以使我变得更健康,长的更高。 7、我的梦想是成为一名NBA球员。 8、当我有空的时候,我就和同学一起去操场打篮球。

1.I like sports,such as playing tennis and football. 2.Basketball is my favourate sport,but i don't do well in it. 3.Basketball is an exciting sport. 4.I often Play basketball with my classmates on weekends or after school. 5.Sometimes,I watch basketball match on TV. 6.Playing basketball can make me healthier and become taller. 7.My dream is to be an NBA player. 8.When I'm free,I play basketball with my classmates on the playground.