李煜 相见欢 (林花谢了春红)英文翻译

林花谢了春红,太匆匆,无奈朝来寒雨晚来风。 胭脂泪,相留醉,几时重?自是人生长恨水长东!

乌夜啼 Crows Crying at Night 许渊冲
林花谢了春红 Spring's rosy color fades from forest flowers
太匆匆 Too soon, too soon.
常恨朝来寒雨晚来风 How can they bear cold morning showers
And winds at noon!
胭脂泪 Your rouged tears like crimson rain
留人醉 Intoxicate my heart.
几时重 When shall we meet again?
自是人生长恨水长东 As water eastward flows, So painful life passes to its bitter end. 版本2The red of the spring orchard has faded.
Far too soon!
The blame is often laid
on chilling rain at dawn
and the wind at dusk.The rouged tears
That intoxicate and hold in thrall -
When will they fall again?
As a river drifts towards the east
So painful life passes to its bitter end.